Friday, November 20, 2009

AU and Certification

Autodesk is planning on offering free associate and professional level certification exams at AU this year, for the following products:

Civil 3D
Revit Architecture
3D Studio Max Design

There will be exams for both 2009 and 2010 available. If you're not going to be able to make AU, you can still take the exams at any one of our ATC sites (for a nominal fee). If you're trying to add to the resume, and make yourself more marketable to potential employers, this is an easy way to do it. And if you're an employer, a certified professional in any one of the products gives you a good idea of their skill level, whether looking for new employees or testing existing ones.

At the ATC Summit at AU this year, I'll be speaking for a few minutes during the first part of the meeting about how ASI is taking advantage of this program to help our clients, so if you're in the ATC program, I'll see you there!

later - David B.

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